Hi %name% Welcome to UniLync's Appointment Reminder Trial version. This is your opportunity to “Test Drive” our service and to feel confident that unilync services are right for you. Please look through our login pages and you can even record your message and setup a few calls. Keep in mind that the amount of calls in the trial version is limited to 25 calls, so use them appropriately. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our customer service department for assistance. If you would like to sign up for a full-fledged account, just give us a call and we can get you going. We feel confident that you will enjoy your trial version, and look forward to your sign up in the near future! Write down your username and password written below and store them in a safe place. Username %login name% Password %password% Digital ID %digital id% You can reach our message recording line at 646-616-2700 Thank You, The UniLync Team 718-336-5223 sales@unilync.com www.unilync.com