
  • Instant Urgent Notifications, 24/7

    With Urgent notifications, SOS messages are delivered immediately empowering you of having the ability to reach your members of the group almost immediately. It can take 20-30 minutes or more to draft and format an e-mail to your group, and even longer before members will actually read it.
    With 24/7 Urgent Notifications service, you can create and dispatch an emergency or urgent voice/text message in minutes, 24/7.

  • Notify Students & Their Parents

    In today's world, effectively communicating with students and their parents has become of primal importance. Although you can send home notes in student backpacks for a relatively low cost, the effectiveness of this method can vary greatly. Often, important notifications end up squished in backpacks, thrown in the trash, or otherwise ignored.
    Instead of leaving communication to chance, you can use our Group Notifications service to create an automated voice / text message, dramatically increasing the reliability and speed of your correspondence with parents and students. Simple reminder calls will be delivered either live or to the parent's voicemail in far less time than it takes to create, proofread, and distribute a letter or flyer.

  • Non-Profit

    If you run a non-profit organization or faith-based institution, you can understand the importance of efficiently and economically reaching your donors and members quickly. Whether you need an automated voice / text message to be delivered or a high-tech prayer chain, we can can help.
    With today's hectic pace, Whether you need to notify your prayer chain of an illness in the community, or contact your donors with an urgent call for help, iGetNotified's Group notifications service can make the process fast and efficient. Even better, our services can frequently reduce administrative costs by eliminating the need for human delivery of routine messages and reminders.

  • Sales Promotion

    If your organizations event and sales promotion efforts have probably consisted of little more than just direct mail pieces or customer e-mails then our Sales notification solutions is the right tool for your Sales team to unlock your company’s sales potential as a very affordable price. Unfortunately, the expense of direct mail can all but eliminate your profits, and e-mail campaigns frequently see open rates of less than 30%. If you want your customers to notice your sales promotions, consider using our group notifications service to deliver the message and follow up with the sales leads through closure.

  • Customer Notifications

    If quick and easy customer notification is your goal, Group Notifications service is the way to go. Postal mail can take days to reach your clients, e-mail open rates can be abysmally low, and live telemarketing teams are prohibitively expensive for most of us. With our group notifications broadcasting solution, however, you can create a customer notification call in less than 2 minutes. Automatic deployment ensures that your entire audience receives the message as quickly as possible.
    Better yet, our "press 1 to transfer" feature lets interested customers connect to you or your team instantly.

  • Marketing

    Do you open every commercial e-mail that you receive? Do you read all of the unsolicited direct mail pieces that show up in your mailbox? What about ads in magazines? Probably not, right?
    Do you answer your phone? If you're like most people, the answer is a resounding "yes". That's where iGetNotified's Group Notifications service comes in.
    Improve Your Bottom Line With Group Notifications with audio, text & mobile App notifications messages -
    Notifications are a great way to market your product or service with minimal investment of time and money. Instead of spending a fortune on expensive call centers, you can create a high-quality audio and text messages in less than 2 minutes, effectively delivering your message and saving you thousands. When customers are interested in your message notifications, our "press 1 to transfer" feature helps you take advantage of that interest by connecting them to you immediately.
    With the money you save by using our Group notification services. You can invest more heavily in new services and features or inbound customer support, all things your customers will appreciate. And of course, you can use a recurring notification campaigns to let them know about your new changes!